Importance of communication

The leading cause of depression is a feeling that you have no control over your situation.  That’s how employees feel when they are kept in the dark about business results, when their performance has no direct correlation to outcomes, or when they have no clear guidance about where the company is headed.

The antidote to that feeling of helplessness is not Prozac, but information. Proper communication that involves meaningful information administered in the right dosage can do wonders for improving your team’s mental health.  The more you can make everyone involved in addressing any business issues that might arise, the happier and more productive your team will be.

If tasting room revenues are your focus, have everyone in the winery offer suggestions for new ways to get more people into your winery.  Have them come up with ideas for generating more sales for each visitor.  Have them brainstorm ideas for wine club memberships and then share the progress with everyone.  Let everyone participate in each success – no matter how small.  Giving your team a chance to contribute is the best tonic you can offer them.

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