Category Archives:Stepping Out of the Office

Stepping Out reflects my observations when I am outside of the office exploring the wine and hospitality industry.

What’s in that barrel?


I recently spent some time with the tasting room team at a local Napa Valley winery learning what was in their 2008 barrels.  The winemaker described how the wine’s flavor is impacted by the soils, lighting, temperature and water drainage.  Hearing all the variables that impact the flavor of the wine was interesting.  However, it was amazing to taste the difference these items had on the wine.  The Pinots …

Changing Seasons

img_3151b.jpgOn a recent exploration into the vineyards I had the opportunity to take some pictures of the changing season. If you have been reading my prior blog entries you might have noticed the photographs that I include. Taking pictures is my way of recording what I observe at any point in time.

With fall in full swing, I enjoy watching the changes that take place in the Napa Valley. Harvest has wrapped up and the vines are getting ready to shut down for a deserved …


A week has quickly passed since I stood on a beach in Puerto Vallarta with 20 vacationers who got to help baby sea turtles begin their life journey. As we watched the little guys and gals make their way down the beach to the water I could only imagine the adventure that awaited them. If nature has its way only 1 of every 1,000 will survive to adulthood. Thanks to local hotel workers turtle eggs are gathered each season and kept in a controlled environment until they hatch. Once the young tortuga’s are strong enough they …

Rise Above


On my way to the office I stopped to take a few pictures of hot air balloons near Yountville. As I watched them peacefully land amongst the vines, I thought about the image they created. One balloon was red, white and blue. It was bulging at the seams with pride like a real patriot. It looked like it wanted to keep going higher. It wasn’t ready to call it a day.

Filtering to preserve your assets


I had the opportunity to tour a company that manufactures filtration systems for the wine industry. Their system removes impurities which can cause the destruction of the wine and make it worthless. I was fascinated by the complexity of the machinery and surprised at its portability. Their systems are a huge benefit to the wine industry and especially to small producers because it frees them from having to invest a significant amount of cash into limited-use equipment. Instead, a vintner …

Corks and People


I recently had the opportunity to go inside a winery and listen to an assistant winemaker provide his insights into cork selection. It was fascinating to discover how that closure device can be a real pain. The argument is often made that the cork contributes to the romance and is an important part of the wine experience. On the flip side is how this small organic product can destroy the wine it is meant to protect.

As I …

Stepping Out into the Vineyards

As accountants who live and work in Napa Valley we are fortunate to have an opportunity to be immersed in the wine industry. We know there is more involved than the numbers we see on paper. But when we step out of the office and into the vineyard we gain an even greater appreciation of the farming activities, hard work, and planning that go into every bottle of wine. Not to mention the sheer faith that is required to …